Tokyo Ghost is a 2015 cyberpunk graphic novel written by Rick Remender (Venom, Captain America), illustrated by Sean Murphy (Batman), and colored by Matt Hollingsworth. The series takes place in a near-future, dystopian L.A. where gangs run rampant, gameshows have the poor compete to count the rich's money, and corporations exploit their discontent by feeding virtual obsessions. This review covers the first of two volumes, which will soon be turned into a film. Some spoilers ahead.
Debbie Decay has struggled to survive in poverty since she was a child. Her mother becomes so obsessed with virtual fantasies that she fully retreats into that world, leaving the rest of the family to fend for itself. Unable to gain her mother's love or attention, Debbie turns to Teddie, a young boy next door, to relieve herself of the emotional neglect. A massive codependency develops within her and the two fall in love after finding a secret garden that stands despite the environmental destruction. Together, they develop an anti-tech club as an escape from the virtual world that consumed Debbie's mother, but the peace doesn't last long.
"Time passes slowly when you're not filling every second up with useless information.
It forces you to sit with your be a human.
I forgot how much that hurts."