Latent State is a cyberpunk-themed science fiction novel by Ben Winter releasing in Summer of 2022. Daryl is a cybernetics salesman whose life revolves around SP1N, a drug that when paired with virtual reality makes one's fantasies seem so lifelike they become addicted to that other world. Trouble is, addiction hits hard, and when he runs out he ends up owing the wrong people tons of credits. Before long, he stumbles upon something with his brother that will change the world as they know it.
The high-pressure device hissed, vaporizing the tab at high velocity. I could feel the chemicals passing into my blood...was the world restarting...
When Daryl's brother becomes badly injured during a job gone wrong, he realizes he's in trouble, but figuring out what's going on to save him will require a sobriety and clearheadedness that Daryl doesn't possess, especially when time keeps stopping.
Daryl is soon drawn into an uncanny plot by a mysterious woman, Karin, who suddenly shows up in his life knowing far more than he does about what's going on with an almost prescience of events, reminding me of Goodwin's Into Neon.
"Daryl, I know you can stop time."